The tale of Ranunculus unfolds like a delicate melody in the breeze. Picture a young man from Libya, handsome and stylish, with a mesmerising voice that could captivate nature's very essence. As he wandered through the woods one fateful day, his melodious singing reached the ears of the woodland nymphs, weaving a spell of enchantment around them. Among the enchanted listeners was Orpheus, the legendary Greek hero and master musician, drawn to Ranunculus by the sheer beauty of his song.
Orpheus recognised the extraordinary gift within Ranunculus' voice. Impressed by the young man's harmonious prowess, he decided to bestow a transformation worthy of his talent. With a wave of his hand, Ranunculus was turned into a flower - a radiant bloom as striking and captivating as the young man himself. And so, in the heart of the woodland, a new bloom named after the enchanting Ranunculus blossomed, forever immortalising the beauty of his voice in nature's symphony.
With its irresistible charm and magnetic appeal, the ranunculus flower has captivated people worldwide for ages and has become a universal symbol of beauty.
Colour Palette
This vibrant posy of warm shades of pink and green is perfect to uplift your mood, energise your senses and inspire new beginnings.
Ranunculus, Delphinium, Monstrea
Flowers - Card Stock 65lb cover /176 gsm
Card - Linen Cardstock 100lb cover/300 gsm
Other - Glue, Ribbon, Florist Wire and Tape
Bud vase is not included.
Approx Size
Height 7.5 Inches, Width 5 Inches
When it comes to handmade and unique products, there may be slight variations between each item. Rest assured that I always strive to recreate each piece with utmost precision. It is important to note that the colours may appear differently based on variations in lighting and screen.
My collection is carefully curated and is made to order. I take immense pride in handcrafting every piece, and due to this personalised process, most orders take five days to complete. Additionally, standard UK shipping takes an extra 3 to 5 business days. Please refer to our Shipping Policy for further information.