My Story

Hello, my name is Grace. I fell in love with the art of paper-making at a young age. At 18, I became a social entrepreneur, making handmade paper from plant fibres. This allowed me to provide employment opportunities to 15 Filipino disabled artisans. It was a life-changing experience and marked the start of a lifelong passion for paper and handmade crafts.

In my professional journey, I have navigated through different industries, including finance and the motor sector. I then embarked on a significant new chapter -  pursuing an academic qualification. I successfully attained a first-class honours  degree in Philosophy and English from the University of Sussex. Following this milestone, I dedicated myself to furthering my education and obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from IOE, University College London. 
Subsequently, I devoted seven rewarding years to educating high school students, an experience that was nothing short of a thrilling adventure! I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the educational journey of so many bright young minds.

It is remarkable how some things stay constant through the twists and turns of our life's adventures. In my case, that steadfast element has always been my passion for creating beauty. I often gravitate back to the source that ignited my love of crafting - PAPER.

As I continue on my journey, I am reminded time and time again of the power and beauty that can be found in the simplest of materials. Paper has been my constant source of inspiration, grounding me in moments of uncertainty and fuelling my creativity in ways I could have never imagined. Through this humble medium, I find solace, purpose, and endless opportunities to express myself.

In mid-2023, supported by my fantastic husband, I began my adventure into paper floristry. This marked the inception of Petalier (a portmanteau of paper and atelier), a small business specialising in crafting exquisite handmade paper flowers. Starting this new chapter in my life has been  challenging, but it is all worth it because my business is about creating beauty.

As a paper florist, my passion extends beyond simply replicating the look of real flowers. I try to capture the beauty of nature through a unique and stylised form. Every paper flower I make is crafted with love and attention to detail. Each creation is a testament to the magic achieved with paper, a sprinkle of creativity, and a heart full of passion. I hope my art will bring a smile to your face and spark joy in your heart.

Petalier is launching in two phases, and I hope the first phase will amaze you. I am excited to introduce my collections:

Petite Fleurs is a stunning combination of a paper flower posy and a greeting card that will surely captivate the heart of anyone who receives it.

Pride of Flora is a single stem rose especially customised to leave a lasting impression.

The next phase will feature a diverse range of products including the Eternal Bouquet Collection, Wedding Flowers, Events and Shop Installations, and much more!